Emotional Triggers and Interactive design-Review

Dhivya Priya Anbazhagan
6 min readNov 15, 2020

In this post, I will be discussing my learnings for this week from the CXL institute's Conversion Optimization Mini-degree on the below topics.

  1. Developing an Emotional content strategy by understanding behavioral principles.
  2. Interactive design tactics to keep customers repeatedly engage with your Product.
  3. Getting started with Google Analytics: Overview of the Reports

Developing & Testing Emotional content strategy

When we buy things in our everyday life, most of the time it is not just the product. It’s the feeling we get about the product. We are emotionally targeted rather than just merely buying a product with its features. Let’s say you are looking at a pair of shoes to buy and the brand has ‘Bring power to your steps’ on its tagline, you buy it for the sensation you get if you wear the shoes. Of course, you wouldn’t buy it if it just said ‘Nice shoes’. They are selling an emotional value that satisfies your needs and makes you happy.

Take Lego for example. Lego sells a feeling. It’s the happiness your children get while playing with their product.

Understand what your target customers are looking for emotionally and personalize your content and messaging according to that. Doing a little market research can help you realize where your product fits in. Analyze your competitors' websites and notice the Messages, Colors, Images, and Emotional triggers they are using. Note them down and do a SWOT test(Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) to see where your product stands and how your product differentiates itself from your competitors. Brainstorm your own ideas and create test hypotheses for each of them.

For example, some common emotional triggers are Trust, Hope, and Simplicity. Different colors represent different emotions. Orange represents Friendliness while Green represents Harmony. Using the right color on your website to match the emotional value of your target audience can be very powerful.

Interactive Design Techniques

An interactive website establishes a connection with your user and allows them to have a personalized experience beyond just browsing your website.

Dr. Cugelman’s framework of behavioral flow states 7 desirable outcomes which can help create Influencive web design.

It starts with how well you grab and sustain the attention of your website visitor using your design. When things break the pattern, they stand out to us.

Using Pre-attentive processing techniques one can create a design that works well with the human mind and not against it.

John Tukey, the American mathematician, and statistician said; “The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.”

How informed are your website visitors about your product? Is the design clear enough? Can they explain your product to someone else? Differentiate your product Features (Tell) and Benefits (Sell) to help them be informed. Simulating the experience makes it rememberable.

Evoking the visitor motivation according to your target audience is the next step. Your audiences’ motivation can differ. It can be Immediate Physiological needs, Self-Protection or even Status/Esteem, etc.

Next is the crucial step where you help the visitor in the decision making by making the process easier. Think about how you can do that from a design perspective. For example, in Amazon, if there is an offer of 20% on a product, they don’t just put it as 20% off on this product. Instead, they do it like this.

“20% offer on this Product! Before 50$ and now 40$” — Of course, it is simple math they can just leave it as a “20% offer” but they make things easy for their customers before the purchase so that they make a decision.

Now, you don’t want your customers to forget you after the purchase. You want them to come back again and again. Ensure they had a good User Experience so that they act long term as loyal customers.

Getting started with Google Analytics: Reports Overview

Google Analytics is a part of the Google Marketing platform which Collects, Stores, and Reports user data from your website by using a JavaScript tracking code. The code has to be inserted on all the pages that you would like to track.

Before we move on, let’s understand some of the common terms which I will be using frequently in my upcoming posts.

Property — is a website or a mobile application that you want to track. Every GA account can have one or more properties. Within your analytics account, you create properties from which you want to collect data. Each property has a unique ID that differentiates the data from other properties.

View — is your access point for reports. A property can have one or more views that you can give permissions to your users for access. For example, a property might have one view of all data and another view of data only from the organic traffic. It can be done using filters.

Dimension — is the thing that you sort by. For example, filtering your data by geographical location or age group.

Metrics — are quantitative measurements. It’s the actual data that you see like, the number of active users on your landing page.

Session — is a group of interactions that happen on your website in a specific time frame. A session lasts for 30 minutes. If the visitor visits your website, a new session will begin. Every time an action or hit happens, GA extends the expiration time by another 30 minutes so that the visitor continues to be in the same session. After 30 minutes of inactivity, a new session begins.

Pageview — is simply the number of times your website visitor loads your page.

GA reports are categorized into Real-time, Audience, Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversions.

Real-time Reports: This section allows you to monitor your website on a real-time basis. It shows the number of users currently active on your website, the location in which they are accessing, the source in which they arrived at your website, the top events, and conversions.

Audience Reports: It tells you who your visitors really are. This section sets the foundation for the other reports.

Acquisition Reports: These reports give you the data on where your visitors are coming from to your website. From which Source (Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc.)or Medium (Organic, Referral, CPC, Email, etc.)they landed on your website.

Behavior Reports: It helps you understand what actions your visitors are taking and which part of your website is performing well or needs to be improved. It gives you data on Site content, Site speed, etc.

Conversions Reports: The best way to track your website conversions is by setting up goals. This section provides you all the data on the goals you have set up.

There go my learnings for this week. Each and every module in the lesson is very clearly explained by instructor Chris Mercer which can help you basically go from scratch into effectively using the GA. Since this is a vast topic, I will be writing another post next week to discuss in-depth setting up a GA account.

Thanks for reading and do let me know your thoughts on the comments!



Dhivya Priya Anbazhagan

Digital Analyst. Storyteller from my preliterate days. I write them down now.